Company name on VAT Registration: | VOID - number is no longer valid |
VAT number: | GB 723094352 |
VAT ID: | 723-094-352 |
Jurisdiction of VAT number: | United Kindom (UK) |
Issuing Authority of VAT number: | HMRC (HM Revenue & Customs) |
VAT status: | Invalid VAT Number - revoked, expired or never issued |
Period when VAT number issued: | Issued before November 2009 |
Last checked by us: | 2023-09-20 |
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Legal name of company: | BOOTLE PFI SOLUTIONS 1998 (2) LIMITED |
Company Registration Number: | 03586441 |
Company Status: | Active |
Country of origin: | United Kingdom |
Jurisdiction Authority: | Companies House |
Incorporation date: | 1998-06-18 |
Company/Entity type: | Private Limited Company |
Industry SIC Codes: | 68320 - Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis |
Registered office address: | 3 MORE LONDON RIVERSIDE LONDON SE1 2AQ |
Previous legal names of company: | No name changes of the legal name of the company have been made or recorded |
More information on BOOTLE PFI SOLUTIONS 1998 (2) LIMITED >>
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INSPIREDSPACES TAMESIDE | GB932984881 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
AMBER INFRASTRUCTURE LTD | GB945704703 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
LAUREATE GARDENS LIMITED | GB201037966 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
ASC (HENLEY) LTD | GB177058681 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
STRATHCLYDE LIMITED | GB749497468 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
WYMONDHAM LTD | GB756292701 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
ST THOMAS MORE LTD | GB788627366 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
TC ROBIN RIGG OFTO LTD | GB103918530 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
TC ORMONDE OFTO LIMITED | GB104228359 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
TC LINCS OFTO LIMITED | GB143173239 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
ABINGDON LIMITED | GB726543430 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
DERBYSHIRE SCHOOLS LIMITED | GB773949276 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
DERBYSHIRE COURTS LIMITED | GB778151503 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
NW (BBP) LTD | GB798622570 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
CALDERDALE SCHOOLS LIMITED | GB815229244 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
DERBYSHIRE SCHOOLS PHASE TWO LIMITED | GB840105474 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
NORTHAMPTON SCHOOLS LTD | GB868145493 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
IPP (MORAY SCHOOLS) LTD | GB990596567 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
TOWER HAMLETS SCHOOLS LTD | GB795547668 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
INSPIREDSPACES STAG (PROJECTCO1) LIMITED | GB923103762 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
TC WESTERMOST ROUGH OFTO LIMITED | GB215970894 | AMANDA ELIZABETH WOODS - common director relationship |
STRATHCLYDE LIMITED | GB749497468 | MUHAMMAD AHMED ANWER - common director relationship |
WYMONDHAM LTD | GB756292701 | MUHAMMAD AHMED ANWER - common director relationship |
ST THOMAS MORE LTD | GB788627366 | MUHAMMAD AHMED ANWER - common director relationship |
ABINGDON LIMITED | GB726543430 | MUHAMMAD AHMED ANWER - common director relationship |
DERBYSHIRE SCHOOLS LIMITED | GB773949276 | MUHAMMAD AHMED ANWER - common director relationship |
DERBYSHIRE COURTS LIMITED | GB778151503 | MUHAMMAD AHMED ANWER - common director relationship |
NW (BBP) LTD | GB798622570 | MUHAMMAD AHMED ANWER - common director relationship |
CALDERDALE SCHOOLS LIMITED | GB815229244 | MUHAMMAD AHMED ANWER - common director relationship |
DERBYSHIRE SCHOOLS PHASE TWO LIMITED | GB840105474 | MUHAMMAD AHMED ANWER - common director relationship |
NORTHAMPTON SCHOOLS LTD | GB868145493 | MUHAMMAD AHMED ANWER - common director relationship |
TOWER HAMLETS SCHOOLS LTD | GB795547668 | MUHAMMAD AHMED ANWER - common director relationship |
AMBER ENERGY STORAGE (PROJECTCO TWO) LIMITED | GB272303430 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
AMBER INFRASTRUCTURE LTD | GB945704703 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
LAUREATE GARDENS LIMITED | GB201037966 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
ASC (HENLEY) LTD | GB177058681 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
STRATHCLYDE LIMITED | GB749497468 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
WYMONDHAM LTD | GB756292701 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
ST THOMAS MORE LTD | GB788627366 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
TC ROBIN RIGG OFTO LTD | GB103918530 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
TC ORMONDE OFTO LIMITED | GB104228359 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
TC LINCS OFTO LIMITED | GB143173239 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
SKELMERSDALE ENERGY STORAGE LTD | GB404495893 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
AVERY HILL DEVELOPMENTS LTD | GB300061676 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
ABINGDON LIMITED | GB726543430 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
DERBYSHIRE SCHOOLS LIMITED | GB773949276 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
DERBYSHIRE COURTS LIMITED | GB778151503 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
NW (BBP) LTD | GB798622570 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
CALDERDALE SCHOOLS LIMITED | GB815229244 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
DERBYSHIRE SCHOOLS PHASE TWO LIMITED | GB840105474 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
NORTHAMPTON SCHOOLS LTD | GB868145493 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
AMBER ENERGY SKELMERSDALE LIMITED | GB347266580 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
TOWER HAMLETS SCHOOLS LTD | GB795547668 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
TC WESTERMOST ROUGH OFTO LIMITED | GB215970894 | GILES JAMES FROST - common director relationship |
AMBER ENERGY STORAGE (PROJECTCO TWO) LIMITED | GB272303430 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
AMBER INFRASTRUCTURE LTD | GB945704703 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
LAUREATE GARDENS LIMITED | GB201037966 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
ASC (HENLEY) LTD | GB177058681 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
STRATHCLYDE LIMITED | GB749497468 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
WYMONDHAM LTD | GB756292701 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
ST THOMAS MORE LTD | GB788627366 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
TC ROBIN RIGG OFTO LTD | GB103918530 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
TC ORMONDE OFTO LIMITED | GB104228359 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
TC LINCS OFTO LIMITED | GB143173239 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
SKELMERSDALE ENERGY STORAGE LTD | GB404495893 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
AVERY HILL DEVELOPMENTS LTD | GB300061676 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
ABINGDON LIMITED | GB726543430 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
DERBYSHIRE SCHOOLS LIMITED | GB773949276 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
DERBYSHIRE COURTS LIMITED | GB778151503 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
NW (BBP) LTD | GB798622570 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
CALDERDALE SCHOOLS LIMITED | GB815229244 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
DERBYSHIRE SCHOOLS PHASE TWO LIMITED | GB840105474 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
NORTHAMPTON SCHOOLS LTD | GB868145493 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
IPP (MORAY SCHOOLS) LTD | GB990596567 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
CADENT GAS LIMITED | GB243133345 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
TOWER HAMLETS SCHOOLS LTD | GB795547668 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
TC WESTERMOST ROUGH OFTO LIMITED | GB215970894 | MICHAEL JOHN GREGORY - common director relationship |
Director relationship are where a current director of is either a current or resigned director of a company above
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